Onwards and Upwards

Well I finally pulled my finger out – after much procrastinating and worrying – and continued with my third draft today.

It now stands at 60% rewritten. Yay me!

Now I need to keep going and come back to rewrite chapter 25 completely at when I am done. The next half of chapter 26, which I will do tomorrow, is a massive rewrite also. I feel like I am back in 1st draft territory and I loathe first drafting. It took me years to get this done. Okay it’s still taking me years, but I feel like I am going backwards a bit.

Yes the story will be better for it but sheesh…

It’s freaking hard work.

Any author who tells you otherwise is lying.

And as a side note – I have truly come to despise writers who tell you how interesting they think their characters are and how awesome their magic systems are, and that you’ll have so much fun reading their work.  Quite frankly it’s up to the reader to decide that not the writer, and any writer who does so is just big noting themselves.

Ok. End rant.

So tomorrow we chuck out what has been done and start from scratch (just of this part of the chapter).  Still a long way to go.

Oh. I’ve also been making plans. Given how long this book is and that some people are already screaming at me that I am shooting myself in both feet before I begin if I want to be published, I have come up with a plan I’d be happy with if I had to compromise and split the book from what I originally envisioned.

I’m not doing it yet. I will finish it as I started it. And I will submit it that way too. However I will offer the publisher I submit to a note explaining that if it turns into a case of ‘I like it but it’s too long’ then it can be split.

Anyway. That’s a long way off yet.

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