Forging Ahead

I spent the better part of the weekend writing and am now at 51% through the 3rd draft of The Epic. I’ll finish it one day. I also got my eyes tested and its official – I pick up my glasses this coming weekend (at least I hope I do as the computer screen at […]

The Country Will Run Red

[youtube] I know at least one person who’ll be excited about this. Although he is reading the manuscript so maybe not… I am still one book behind. Sigh. More catching up to do…

Blood and Bone

Blood and BoneMalazan Empire #5By Ian C. Esslemont In the western sky the bright emerald banner of the Visitor descends like a portent of annihilation. On the continent of Jacuruku, the Thaumaturgs have mounted yet another expedition to tame the neighboring wild jungle. Yet this is no normal wilderness. It is called Himatan, and it […]

Duncan Lay and Booktopia’s Ten Terrifying Questions

Bridge of SwordsEmpire of Bones #1By Duncan LayBUY IT A tale of history and legend, myth and belief, truth and lies …but at its heart is a story of fathers and children and what is passed from one generation to another. Long ago, a group of men became the Elfarans, altered by magic to resemble […]

What’s George Doing?

Some people would think hope think the he’d be working on The Winds of Winter, the next book in The Song of Ice and Fire…. well while I am sure he is doing that… he’s also do this: From ‘Not a Blog’ These worldbook “sidebars” are all threatening to turn into novellas.Sure hope you guys and gals like […]

Next in the Dresden Files – and blurb full of Spoilers

Cold DaysThe Dresden Files #14By Jim Butcher(Due January 2013) After being murdered by a mystery assailant, navigating his way through the realm between life and death, and being brought back to the mortal world, Harry realizes that maybe death wasn’t all that bad. Because he is no longer Harry Dresden, Chicago’s only professional wizard. He […]

Welcome to Level 1313

[youtube] This preview has just been aired at Gamescom. It’s only a game, but it looks good. I’d watch this if they made it a TV show. I’m pretty sure I won’t be playing…


Harry Harrison 1925 -2012 I never read any of Harry’s work but I can tell you he was an enormously popular author and I have had countless requests about his Stainless Steel Rat series (amongst others). Rest easy Harry, and thanks for all the stories.

A Land Fit for Heroes

[youtube] Have you read Richard Morgan’s fantasy series yet? You should. It’s awesome and book two is now out in paperback. Gritty and in your face, Morgan deftly sidesteps the more traditional aspects of epic fantasy to bring an earthiness and ‘real world’ feel to this exciting tale of magic, mystery, war and politics, that […]

Expanding the Possibilities

Sacrifice of the First SheasonBy Peter OrullianREAD IT Sheason (SHAY-son): Members of this Order possess the ability to renderer the Will—influence Forda I’Forza. When the First Ones abandoned their work in Aeshau, they conferred the authority to direct the Will in the interest of men to a select few. The right and privilege to render […]