Golden Son
Red Rising Saga #2
By Pierce Brown
‘I’m still playing games. This is just the deadliest yet.’
Darrow is a rebel forged by tragedy. For years he and his fellow Reds worked the mines, toiling to make the surface of Mars inhabitable. They were, they believed, mankind’s last hope. Until Darrow discovered that it was all a lie, and that the Red were nothing more than unwitting slaves to an elitist ruling class, the Golds, who had been living on Mars in luxury for generations.
In RED RISING, Darrow infiltrated Gold society, to fight in secret for a better future for his people. Now fully embedded amongst the Gold ruling class, Darrow continues his dangerous work to bring them down from within. It’s a journey that will take him further than he’s ever been before – but is Darrow truly willing to pay the price that rebellion demands?
Hic sunt leones.
A life-or-death tale of vengeance with an unforgettable hero at its heart, Golden Son guarantees Pierce Brown’s growing status as one of fiction’s most exciting new voices.
442 pages
Published by Hodder & Stoughton
Published on January 8th, 2015
Author’s webpage
I purchased this book.
I know I am very late to the game here but this series – so far – is amazing. Of late I’ve been a little ambivalent when it comes to reading, not really finding anything that sucks me in and makes want to inhale all the awesomeness of a book in one sitting. The two books I’ve read of the Red Rising Saga – Red Rising and Golden Son – have done just that.
In fact, I have just finished Golden Son an hour ago and I have planned before doing so to read something else next… that plan has now been shot down and I’ve just bought book three. The ending of Golden Son – omg. I am kinda glad I didn’t read this when it was released because now I don’t need to hang on the edge of the cliff that Brown left me on!
Golden Son is filled with compelling characters led by the swoon-worthy hero, Darrow; is a maze of brilliant and twisted plotting, and is underpinned by worldbuilding that hits that core of the familiar by drawing on our historical past (Greece and Roman) and thrusting it into the future like a razor.
If you like science fiction, action, politics and intrigue, look no further. Pierce Brown is in a league of his own – and too young, and way too good looking, to be this talented. It’s not fair lol.
Loved it.